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DLP Capital Conference Notes 2023 - Ponte Vedra

Brittany and I attended a local conference from a private investment fund - DLP Capital - that we are invested in.

Each event DLP puts on has a focus on wealth and legacy. Although we are 32 years old, which is much younger than most who think about legacy - we have three kids - and are planning for all that life has to offer and allocating resources appropriately.

We are also focused on ensuring our kids become contributors to society and don’t end up spoiled. A lot of this, as we hear, comes down to learning from those who have come before us, direct and frequent communication, planning, and value setting.

Here’s my notes from the event — unedited — DLP Capital Conference - Ponte Vedra 2023 notes

Tim Tebow:

  • Intensity, focus, mindset - visualization.

  • Have I put my energy into something that really matters?

  • Do you care so much for someone or something that you’re willing to suffer for them?

  • What really matters? Inheritance — or impacting people’s lives?

  • What are the non-negotiables in your life?

  • You spend 12% of your day comparing yourself to others. Stop.

  • Your purpose is so big that you’re running out of time. Do you live like you’re running out of time? (this was the biggest theme of his speech).

  • Success vs significance

  • Kids learn by our example, watching us do it. You are the example.

James Dahle - White Coat Investor

  • Hedonia - pleasure or fun

  • Eudaimonia - human flourishing or living well - doing something useful

  • You need both - balance is the challenge

  • Labor, sleep, and recreation - live in 1/3s. You need all 3.

  • Actual life vs ideal life (exercise) - what would your ideal life look like, what is the gap?

  • You can be anything but you can’t be everything.

Brett Swarts - Capital Gains Tax Solutions

  • $84 trillion will pass from baby boomers to others in next 18 years (huge inheritance moment)

  • 77 million baby boomers are starting to retire

Lloyd Reeb - Marriage

  • What things in your life are priceless?

  • What works: joy, sharpening each other, supportive in crisis, blessing to the world, legacy for generations, fun together

  • Ask your significant other: what are the 10 things you love most in life?

  • Kindness, trust, respect, intimate communication, a covenant.

  • Ask your significant other: what’s the most meaningful thing I can do to be useful to you / make your life better?

  • Marriage centered family vs kids centered family (block time for marriage not to talk about kids) what skills do I need to learn, what skills do you need to learn.

  • What is their love language? Do you communicate authentically? Who can helpme (peers, kids, counselor, and mentors)

Michael Cole - More Than Money.

  • Why do families fail - 5% bad investments, 60% breakdown in communication and trust in the family, 25% lack of preparation of the next generation, 10% lack of shared vision or mission.

  • Forms of capital - financial, intellectual, social, human, emotional, spiritual. You have to manage all forms for your family.

  • History and value, vision and mission, communication planning, decision making and governance, leadership development, role clarification and responsibilities, family education, holistic risk management

  • Entrepreneur to Capitalpreneur (family enterprise) — happens after there is a liquidation

  • Rich Life Triangle - financial, self worth, fulfillment/purpose (need all 3)

Julia Myers - raising kids with common sense

  • Take a look at yourself and what are the stories about money that shape who you are today?

  • How did your experiences differ and your lifestyle?

  • What cultural beliefs about money and wealth are influencing your decisions?

  • Teach your kids they have three options: saving, giving, spending

  • Start with values and then go to actions

Nick Stonestreet

  • liquidity is the #1 why families and businesses fail

  • People, events and ideas that shaped you - write it down, share

You have three seasons of life

  • Warrior - growing biz, family

  • King - make up your own rules

  • Sage - mentor, impacts others

Overall, the event was great and was topped off by The Mentalist - Oz Pearlman. The event had a TON of speakers so this is not my notes from all of them. I had to step out a few times to get air because I, like many, can only sit and pay attention for about 60 minutes at a time. Hope these notes are helpful!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out -